
Promoting Good Governance

Board of Director

Christine Sumbuk
Christine Sumbuk

Director Bio

Christine Sumbuk, is a passionate consultant trainer in Leadership, Governance and Management.  Her work covers all sectors of society from private and public sector to the church, NGOs, youth based and community level organization and cover more than 30 years of combined experiences in training and development, monitoring and assessment.

She has an MBA from the University of Waikato, New Zealand and a Bachelors in Economics from The University of PNG.  As well as being a board member of PNGID, she is also the Interim President of the PNG Learning and Development Society Inc.,  and of past a founding Board member of The Voice Inc,.

She manages her business; Ace Consulting and Training Services and have work experience in  both, in UK / Republic of Nauru and PNG).

Taunao Vai
Brian Riches
Brian Riches
Vice President
Mary Laimio_edit
Mary Laimo
Eric Kramer
Eric Kramer
Stan Joyce
Stanley Thomas Joyce, CSM
Clarence M Hoot_edit
Clarence Hoot